We are 100% family owned, funded and operated oyster farm. No loans and no trust funds, just doing whatever it takes to get the job done. We're building on nearly 13 generations of family history farming and fishing on Maryland's Eastern Shore. It's a family thing...
Alex Johnston- Owner and President
"Huntin', Fishin', Lovin' Every Day"
Jim Johnston- Owner and Vice President
"I look GOOD!"
Kristen Johnston- Food and Personnel Safety Officer
"ALEX did you check the temp??"
Rachel Bruns (soon to be Johnston)- First Lady and Deck Boss
"ALEX quit standing around!!"
Max Johnston and Amanda Hoy (soon to be Johnston)- Seed/Harvest Crew
"Is it 5 0'clock yet??"
Jessica "JJ" Johnston- Seed/Harvest Crew
"ALEX shut up!!"
Lexy McCarty- Seed/Harvest Crew and Resident Marine Biologist
"Need help?" (every Thursday like clockwork)